Foundations: God's Glory as an Integrating Perspective on Reformed Theology (PDF ebook)


Foundations: God's Glory as an Integrating Perspective on Reformed Theology (PDF ebook)


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NOTE: This PDF ebook is the same as final 6x9 print book layout format, including cover art, pagination, footnotes on the same page and color illustrations

Dr. Yates has developed a portable model for understanding and teaching the biblical doctrine of God that connects readers to the doctrines of Christ, the means of grace, and most of the themes and locations of the Christian life. For readers seeking deeper study, each chapter provides extensive footnotes to other resources and numerous Scripture proof texts. For readers desiring to use the book in small group discussion, there are reflection questions at the end of each chapter and at the end of each reflective attribute section in chapter eight. Using color illustrations, four self-developed summary catechism questions and answers, the five Reformation solas and the hymn "Be Thou My Vision," readers will find various ways that material can connect with their existing understanding and expand their grasp of the relationship between various biblical teachings in creative ways.

Dr. Yates' Foundations book reorganizes and renames God's glory as eight attributes (omnipresent, omniholy, omnisufficient, omniscient, omniharmonious, omnipotent, omnifaithful and omnihistorical) each with blessed and cursed face expressions and integrates all these attributes with reflective aspects in the glory of Christ's humanity, perfect obedience to the moral law, offices, suffering, resurrection, realms and places. The Spirit working by the means of grace, reveals Christ's glory to us, so that by saving faith, Christ's derivative glory might be declared on elect believers (propitiation , justification), formed in them (repentance, vivification) and reflected by them (enmity, peacemaking) in their realms (heavenly, earthly) and places (assembly, creation, diaspora).

Analytical Table of Contents

Introduction        1

Be Thou My Vision: A Hymn Integrating God’s Attributes     1

Purposes in Developing this Project      2

What Is Reformed Theology?       3

Integrating Reformed Theology with Practical Life       6

For Reflection       9

Chapter 1: Surveying the Reformed Landscape: Current Perspectives and the Need for a New Perspective       11

The Problem of Integration in Reformed Theology        11

Perspectives for Integrating Reformed Theology       11

Linear-History Perspectives        12

Reflective Perspectives       12

Reformed Authors Incorporating Reflective Perspectives       13

Existing Attempts at Integration       15

For Reflection       18

Chapter 2: The Westminster Confession Provides a Foundational Structure for Integrated Theology        19

Appropriating a More Complex Vision of God’s Glory       19

Recovering Structures from the Westminster Confession of Faith       21

Two Faces of God’s Glory       23

Four Directional Reflections of God’s Glory       26

The LORD Reveals His Glory to  Men      26

The LORD Reveals His Glory on  Men       27

The LORD Reveals His Glory in  Men       28

The LORD Reveals His Glory by  Men      29

Proposing a Grand Unified Theory of Systematic Pastoral Practice       30

For Reflection       32

Chapter 3: The Glory from the Triune LORD: Decrees & Original Attributes          33

Summary Catechism       33

Balancing God’s Simplicity with God’s Distinct Attributes      33

The Exodus Paradigm: The LORD’s Attributes Will Curse or Bless       36
The LORD’s Original Attributes       38

For Further Study       44

For Reflection       44


Chapter 4: The Glory from Christ: Derivative Attributes, Moral Law, Offices, Places          45

Summary Catechism       45

The LORD’s Glory Revealed to Christ       46

The LORD’s Cursed and Blessed-Faces Revealed on Christ       47      

Glory Reflected in Christ: The Perfection of His Human Nature       49

Developing the Details of Christ’s Human Righteousness       50    

Christ’s Emotions are Expressions of Derivative Attributes   51

Blessed-Face Response        51

Cursed-Face Response       52

Christ Fulfills the Law’s Righteous Requirements       52

An Octo-Perspectival View of Christ’s Righteousness       53

Derivative Attributes Formed in Christ’s Human Nature       54

        Presence       54

Holiness      56

Provision       57

Knowledge       59

Unity       60

Rule       61

Integrity       63

Theosynchrony      63

The Incarnate Christ Reflects Derivative Attributes by his Anointed Offices       65

The Exalted Christ Reflects Derivative Attributes by his Anointed Offices      68

Exalted Prophet       68

Exalted High Priest       69

Exalted King       70

Two Faces of Christ’s Glory Reflected by him in Two Realms & Three Places      71

Christ’s Blessed-Face in the Assembly       73

Heavenly Assembly       73

Earthly Assembly       73

Christ’s Blessed-Face in the Creation       74

        Heavenly Creation       74

Earthly Creation       74

Christ’s Blessed-Face in the Diaspora       75

        Earthly Diaspora       75

Heavenly Diaspora       75

Christ’s Cursed-Face in the Assembly       75

Earthly Assembly       75

Christ’s Cursed-Face in the Creation       76

        Earthly Creation       76

Christ’s Cursed-Face in the Diaspora       76

        Hostile Heavenly Diaspora      76

Hostile Earthly Diaspora       77

For Further Study       77

For Reflection       77

Chapter 5: The Glory of the LORD Reflected To Us: Means of Grace & Disgrace          79

Summary Catechism      79

Scripture is the Primary Way God Reveals His Glory       80

The Word Reflects God’s Derivative Attributes       81

Using the Word in Discipleship       85

One Means of Grace: Prayer       85

        The Lord’s Prayer       86

Paul’s Prayers in Ephesians        86

Practicing Prayer in Discipleship       88

Receiving the Sacraments       88

The Sacraments for Discipleship       90

Cursed-Face: Means of Disgrace       91

Using the Means of Disgrace in Discipleship       93

For Further Study       94

For Reflection       94

Chapter 6: The Glory of the LORD Reflected On Us: Saving Faith: Propitiation & Justification        95

Summary Catechism       95

Glory Reflected on Elect Believers       96

Defining Righteousness       96

Imputed Satisfaction and Obedience       97

The Resurrection Integrates Redemption Themes       98

Discipleship Applying Propitiation and Justification       99

For Further Study       100

For Reflection       100

Chapter 7: The Glory of the LORD Reflected In Us: Saving Faith: Repentance and Vivification Reflecting the Moral Law        101

Summary Catechism       101

Two Faces of the Derivative Attributes of Christ in Us       102

The Ten Commandments Written in the Heart       103

Blessed-Face Applications of the Ten Commandments       105

Cursed-Face Applications of the Ten Commandments       107

Using the Ten Commandments in Discipleship       110

For Further Study   110   For Reflection       110

Chapter 8: The Glory of the LORD Reflected In Us: Saving Faith: Repentance and Vivification Reflect Attributes        111

Derivative Attributes Reflected in Us      111

        Presence, Blessed and Cursed Faces       114

       For Reflection      119

        Holiness, Blessed and Cursed Faces       119

       For Reflection      122

Provision, Blessed and Cursed Faces       124

       For Reflection      128

Knowledge, Blessed and Cursed Faces       128

      For Reflection      133

Unity, Blessed and Cursed Faces       134

      For Reflection      137

Rule, Blessed and Cursed Faces       137

      For Reflection      140

Integrity, Blessed and Cursed Faces       141

      For Reflection      143

Theosynchrony, Blessed and Cursed Faces       143

      For Reflection      148

Chapter 9: The Glory of the LORD Reflected By Us: Peacemaking & Enmity by Offices        149

Summary Catechism       149

Reflecting and Replicating Glory by the Offices       149

Tracing the History of the Kingship Office       150

The Three Anointed Offices: Peacemaking and Enmity       155

Messianic and Apostolic Offices       157

Irreducible Complexity of General Offices Shown by all Believers      158

Anointed Christians Serving in the Three General Offices       159

The Catechisms on the Offices       161

As Exalted Spirits Awaiting the Resurrection of the Body       163

For Further Study        163

For Reflection       164                    

Chapter 10: The Glory of the LORD Reflected By Us: Mandates in Realms & Places         165

Summary Catechism       165

Representing the LORD in Realms and Places       165

Representing the LORD’s Peacemaking in Realms & Places by Mandates       166

Heavenly Assembly       167

Earthly Assembly       167

Heavenly Creation       168

Earthly Creation       168

Earthly Diaspora       170

Representing the LORD’s Enmity in Realms & Places by Mandates       171

Earthly Assembly       171

Earthly Creation       171

Heavenly Diaspora       172

Earthly Diaspora       172

The Hope of Eternal Union and the Judgment of Eternal Enmity       173

Renewed Earth Assembly       173

Renewed Creation      173

The Diaspora has Passed Away      174

For Further Study       174

For Reflection       174

Chapter 11: The Irreducible Complexity of Reformed Faith & Life          175

Characteristics of the Reformed Faith       175

The Five Solas of the Reformation       176

Additional Solas and Essential Words       177

Summary Catechism and Solas       178

Characteristics of the Reformed Life      179

Derivative Attributes and Elder-Deacon Qualifications       180

The Reformed Faith & Life as Assurance of Salvation       183

The Reformed Faith as a Clearer Vision of God’s Glory for Life       185

Be Thou My Vision       185

God’s Glory Transforms the Christian Life       188

For Further Study       190

For Reflection       190

Afterword: Be Thou My Vision Series       191

Appendix: Be Thou My Vision Foundations: At a Glance       195

Section One: Summary Catechism       195

Section Two: The Faces of God and Derivative Attribute Reflections      196

Section Three: Doxological Discipleship       201

Section Four: Gospel Instruction as a Form of Discipline Against Sin      207

Section Five: The Ten Commandments Reflect God’s Attributes       209

Master Illustration       211

Interpretive Key to Master Illustration       212

Indexed Glossary        215

Bibliography            220